Sadly not all mermaid's can live by the sea...(Just mainly those lucky Australian girls you see on Insta with those perfect six packs, green smoothies for lunch,strawberries for breakfast being fed by their romantic surfer boyfriends and that perfect sunshine!) Help Me I can't cope with it...
but of course we all follow one or two... Our insta motivation on another pants grey weather day in London, Paris,New York or wherever you are................?
So anyhow's how to spot if 'YOUR A MERMAID IN A CITY'?!
(Answer these questions below
and see if you find yourself going YES YES YES!)
1. You have dyed hair that's trying to be red like Ariel or maybe it's pink or blue or its gone a kinda
weird brown colour where its been dyed so much!
2. People get sick of you moaning about summer...
3. All your wardrobe consists of Hot Pants and bikini's which you keep just in case you get that ' Record Heatwave summer' that the radio presenter has been promising for the last 5 years.
4. You spend half your life stalking hot surfers Instagram's.
5. You've put lemon on your hair before because you have heard it goes blonder in the sun.
6. When your at peoples house's and you spend half your time sat on the nearest radiator.
7. You can't concentrate at work or school because your planning when is the quickest time you can earn enough money to leave your job and go on your next travelling trip...(another excuse to stalk instagram for *cough* places to go surfing!)
8. You don't brush your hair and its full of knots because you just don't see the point, I mean did Ariel brush her hair? I think not!
9. Your hair, getting to your waist is your ultimate life goal.
10. Your hair has gone green before because you spent so much time in the local swimming pool practing kicking with your legs together like a fish!
11. Water is the ultimate lifesaver, you can't drink enough of it and your paranoid of getting old if don't drink 2 litres a day.
12. Being barefoot is how you spend as much time as possible and these days you can't even be bothered to wear heels out.
13. People sometimes describe you or your clothing as,"wacky,out there, bright, unusual," or use expressions like "Hmm wow, only you could get away that".
14. You response is usually, "your lucky I'm wearing clothes as i'd rather not be."
15. Right now, your dreaming of a white beach, drinking water out of a coconut, in a shell bra...
I've included my favourite bits from this week and how to add a bit of mermaidness to your outfit!
Our vintage Starfishy Bracelet and ring is a must and lets like its just been found on the ocean floor! £13 for the set
I have teamed them with our Under The Sea Stick On Jewels in Mermaid Aqua. You can get two sheets of these for £6.00. These really are gorgeous and you can cut,size and stick where you like.
You will just need to peel off the front, use a wet cloth and stick down. Perfect for festivals or jazzing up your outfit for a night out.
Lastly, I am wearing our little Seahorse Rings to complete the look. Our deal at the moment is you can get 2 of them for £7.00.
Hope you enjoyed my MERMBLOG and had a little giggle and now all have serious MERMMAIDVIBES!
Love and sparkles!
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