Right so this week, I'm writing about a few tips and pieces that are perfect for making your work out just that bit more fun and sassy and fit!
People often ask me how I keep fit and how I must feel under pressure to be fit, with working doing modelling. Honestly I do feel some pressure to keep fit. I am naturally pretty thin but as I keep telling people thin does not mean fit and healthy!!!!
I must confess, I've had a tough few months and I'm probably the most out of shape I've been in a long time. (Moving back in with my ma and pa has been hardcore and there is hardly any space to work out at... )
They have all gone on holiday though, so I have the perfect chance to rearrange the house and make some space. Although today was SUNNY and I was actually able to get outside! YAY!
Over the next few months, I will give some of my fitness secrets, tips and exercises in the count down to summer which I think are fantastic and work for me and youtube videos to watch etc. Count this blog as an introduction. I'm personally a strong believer in little and often. That's what works for me but feel sure to work out whats right for your body. I try and do 10 minutes in the morning and 10-15 minutes 4-5 times a week. Usually weekends I would give myself the weekend off or do one session.
Shopping and looking good while working out does help motivate me. This week i'm wearing my Barbie Crop Top from on sale for £10.00. I loveeeee crop work out tops and and I am getting quite a collection now!
I'm also wearing my work out leggings also from Adventureland currently on £10.00!!!
My trainers/hi tops are actually PRIMARK! I know I was shocked too...I've always had a policy, NEVER buy cheap trainers but these are really pretty and comfy and I love them!! Def one of my best finds for a while at only £10.00!
So my pilates and balancing mat is called a Usa Pro one and I got from sports direct. I must confess have 3 yoga mats! The others were cheaper and to be honest you can tell! This one is properly non slip ,doesn't roll up unless you want it too, and comes with a handy shoulder strap so you can carry it easy. I paid £15.99 but now you can get it in the sale for £7.99 I 100 % recommend it!!
These are my little hand weights from £3.99 and perfect for doing your squats gurrrrrrls!
Your notice most of my work out stuff is pink. It's not cos i'm a bimbo, it's because it's the perfect reminder that you can be girly and sporty! I see too many girls palm off excuses about sport or work out not beingvery girly. Fortunately in my life time I am seeing such a HUGE attitude change. IF you wanna play rugby with the lads in the park, DO IT!!! If you want to be a 'sicck' skateboarder, get learning and DO IT! Be whatever you want to be and don't EVER care what people think of you!
I will leave you with a silly selfie!
Sending you lots of love and motivation! Lo xoxo
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